As always, this year was full of interesting developments in healthcare. As the year comes to a close, we’ve rounded up three trends that we feel are going to significantly…
Passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, better known as ACA, brought significant changes for all healthcare stakeholders, but the shift from volume to value had especially far-reaching…
To learn what types of diagnostic imaging software companies have been gaining favor and see what market trends the data revealed, I investigated strategic acquisitions in medical imaging as well…
The 2018 Healthcare Informatics 100 has been released online, but for a more in-depth analysis on what the list means in the realm of the health IT marketplace, few would…
For the last 18 months, bigger has (generally) been better, but in the mergers and acquisitions realm, the gambit has been run: from vertical integration to smaller strategic acquisitions (and…
Currently fighting a takeover offer from Elliott Management, and on the heels of damaging allegations of sexual harassment against founder Jonathan Bush, athenahealth announced this morning that it is considering…
With over 20 HIMSS conferences, 10 Health Evolution Summits, and somewhere in-between as many times hanging out in Union Square for the JPMorgan Conference under my belt (not to mention…